Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to School

Well, it's September, and for most of my readers that means it's time to head back to school. Or at the very least it means that for me, and frankly that's the only reader I really care about.

The first few days of class are always a fun time. There's the pointless "class introductions" in which you teacher makes you share your name, hometown, and feelings about the designated hitter rule...or at least that's what I'd ask for if I was a prof. Cause it's not like it matters what you have kids talk about, the only thing the rest of the kids are doing is thinking about what they're going to say on their turns. Like I really give a shit what town Popped-Collar Boy is from back in Cali.

But I'm a solutions-oriented guy, so here are some ways you Profs (a higher percentage of my readers have PhDs than you might think) can make introductions more interesting:

- Ask students when/if they lost their virginity
- Ask students to include their favorite sexual position
- Ask students which student in the class they think is the most attractive (borrowing from Donnie Darko)

Another part I love about the first days of class is when Professors talk about how to contact them with questions, and then always point out that the best way is really to send them an email. Which differentiates them from all my profs who prefer to be contacted by carrier pigeon.

And hand-in-hand with college comes Facebook...with it's HORRIBLE NEW FACE. I'm sure by now you're all familiar with the terrible crimes that Facebook has recently perpetrated on humanity. If not, go check it out, and then come back, after you're through recoiling in fear.

Here are my actual thoughts on the new Facebook and the overreaction of the Facebook community to it. First, obviously the changes they've implemented are drastic and doing it without warning was just flat out stupid. I grant that they offer a free product, but they should've seen this backlash coming regardless. Second, I'm assuming that in the next day or two we'll see something pop up giving us the option of using this feed or going back to Facebook Classic and an option to permantly turn off our mini-feeds rather than X out individual changes. (If you've found a way to do this, please let me know)

Third, what all the complaints about New Facebook really illustrate is what a massively powerful change the News Feed actually is. As near as I can tell the Feed was implemented on Monday night. Since then, dozens of "New Facebook Sucks" groups have popped up. Under the old Facebook system, most of these groups would have gained maybe a few dozen members. Maybe you leafed through your friend's profile, noticed this group and joined it. Or maybe your friend explicitly invited you or something. But by and large, most of us wouldn't find out about such a group's existence.

Under New Facebook Rules, the "Students against Facebook News Feed (Official Petition to Facebook)" Group has grown, in just 48 hours or so, to 480,000 members. Over 100,000 have joined in the last 5 hours or so. In just the last 5 minutes, over 1600 students have joined. That's 5 students joining per second. That's un-fucking believeable. I imagine it's only a matter of time before it's the largest group facebook has ever had. Which speaks to at least one benefit of New Facebook.

Also the Crocodile Hunter that sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great man, you are a real freakin' genious! Seriously.

3:46 PM  
Blogger CasaDega said...

Lets do something and prove our generation doesn't just act out on things that change our comfort level, like newsfeed, check out really we can all make a difference

if we all give a dollar maybe we can save some lives. if we all say we're aware and we care, we can save some lives. You don't have ot join the group, but its' a good way to keep tally of contributors.

4:30 PM  

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