Friday, April 27, 2007

DayQuil Rules

Apparently a new blood test that screens for EPCA-2 could soon replace the standard PSA test for prostate cancer. You can read about it here:

According to the article, this new test seems to create fewer false positives, while also catching a higher percentage of cases, even in the earliest stages of the cancer, blah blah specificity of tests blah blah medical jargon blah blah blah.

Unfortuantely the article doesn't answer the only question I actually have about the test: does it involve the doctor sticking his hand in my ass? Because I have been worried about my physician sticking his fingers in my sphincter since I turned 16 (neurotic much? -ed).

Look, I'm all for catching cancer cases early on and saving lives and all that jazz. And if that means getting my pooper scoped out every year, than that's how I'll roll. But if the medical community can test for prostate cancer just by taking some blood, that's the best news since they put DayQuil into pill form.

In other science news, Stephen Hawking took a ride on a Zero-G plane. Which is cool. I feel like there should be a weightless parapalegic pun to make... but I'm either not clever enough or not evil enough to come up with it. Not sure which.

And of course last night was the first of many many debates in the 2008 primary season. I came very close to orgasming part way through. I'm just saying, Joe Biden is a very attractive man. I tell you what always depresses me about primary season though, is seeing Dennis Kucinich in the debates. Cause everybody rips on Kucinich because he's so short. More than once I've heard him referred to as "munchkin-like". Kucinich is 5'7". I'm 5'6". Although, in my defense, I'm much less creepy than him.

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