Friday, June 01, 2007

Al Gore is Still Creepy

So it's been a while since I've updated the blog, sorry about that. In my defense, I was half away around the world for a little while, and after that I didn't seem very funny for the last week.

Anyway, yesterday the head of NASA said in an interview that global warming wasn't really a problem. And I quote, "I have no doubt that global -- that a trend of global warming exists... I am not sure that it is fair to say that is a problem we must wrestle with... I guess I would ask which human beings, where and when, are to be accorded the privilege of deciding that this particular climate that we have right here today, right now, is the best climate for all other human beings. I think that's a rather arrogant position for people to take."

And you know what, he's right. Who are we to decide that just because the temperature is increasing a few degrees that's necessarily a bad thing? Who are we to say that the icecaps melting is always bad? Maybe all those islanders living in the Pacific would prefer to live in the Pacific sans islands. It would certainly make maps easier to draw.

How culturally arrogant of us to assume these people would prefer to have a place to live. Maybe they like swimming...a lot. But here comes our American ignorance again, just assuming they don't want to drown and die.

Plus you have to consider the upsides of Global Warming. I already commented on how map costs would go down a bunch. Also anyone who owns property in Central Pennsylvania would do quite well for themselves once it became oceanfront. Plus, when Florida is covered by the Atlantic, the Social Security problem will pretty much go away. So that's nice. Also, since Hong Kong and the areas surround would be completely submerged, China's upcoming economy would take a huge hit, which would help us out a lot. Of course, NYC might be underwater too, and I suppose that might be a problem. Oh and London might be underwater as well. But NYC, London and Hong Kong aren't really very important cities in the global economy, right?

Anyway, I suppose my point is this: no matter how much the global warming discussion takes center stage, no matter how much charisma he has gained, Al Gore is still really fucking creepy.

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